Debbie Jordan - Author and Coach

Are you grieving the death of someone close to you  or a significant loss, but find yourself stuck in the process? Do you want to move forward but don’t know how? Or do you wrestle with knowing how to comfort those facing loss? In Grief’s Deception: Overcoming the Twelve Lies Whispered to a Broken Heart, Debbie Jordan addresses the lies about grief and offers a bonus chapter with tips on how to help others who are grieving. 


from experience


A lifelong student, Debbie likes to learn something new every day. Her experiences include being a military spouse of twenty-two years, pastoral counselor, mentor, marriage blogger, Bible study teacher, and marriage and grief coach. Debbie and her husband are parents and grandparents and have been in active ministry for most of their 50 years of marriage.


Grief's Deception: 
Overcoming the Twelve Lies Whispered to a Broken Heart

Available at your favorite book online retailer.
ISBN 1955309558-55-4 (paperback)
ISBN 1955309558-56-1 (eBook) EAPublishing

Debbie's journey includes helping others walk through grief.  She uses personal examples to offer hope that you can survive the pain of loss by identifying the lies Grief whispers such as: 

       I have so much regret

           It is my fault

            God has abandoned me

           I will never survive this

           I can never forgive

          I am alone        

  No good can come from this

          I have lost all hope

          Children are more resilient in grief than adults

Pen and Pearls Publishing

Now Available 
at your favorite online book retailer

A Study Guide to Grief's Deception

This study guide addresses the 12 Lies Whispered to a Broken Heart and helps the reader process how Grief deceives by distorting the Truth of the importance of grief work. Each chapter has a short Bible study, reflective questions, and practical steps  to move forward with hope.  



BONUS chapters 
 include: Your Brain on Grief (Correcting the Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs) and How to Lament.


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